Our Doctrinal Statement
We believe in the verbal inspiration of the Word of God.
We believe in the infallibility of the Word of God (King James Bible - Textus Receptus).
We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ for mankind.
We believe in the blood atonement for sins.
We believe in salvation by Grace through Faith alone, plus nothing minus nothing.
We believe in the literal resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ.
We believe the church to be ordained by God and established upon Jesus Christ: the only organization through which God does His work.
We believe that each church is subject to only God and no other power.
We believe that each church is an individual organization governed by the people for the people in the light of God's Word.
We believe that the primary purpose of the church is to fulfill the great commission of Matthew 28:18-20.
We believe that salvation will bring a definite change in a person's life: therefore Christians should be peculiar people.
We believe in a literal burning Hell and literal glorious Heaven.
We believe that churches should be separate from the world.
We believe the church should be supported totally by tithes and offerings from the people: never by any sales tactics of any nature.
We do not believe in lifestyle evangelism or lordship salvation